How are the translation rates per word in UK?

translation rates per word in UK

How are the translation rates per word in UK?

How are the translation rates per word in UK?

(Last Updated On: October 13, 2023)

Are you thinking about moving to the UK and looking into the translation translation rates per word in UK? DutchTrans wishes we could tell you that the UK translation market was great and you are in for a treat. But translation services in the UK certified is, in truth, weak and Brexit did not help!

Translation rates per word in UK

Translation rates in the UK are not stable, and strong. There is also no system of fixed rates in the country that makes the whole process so much more complex. There are a few tips and trick we can share that should help you in easing the process and ending up paying less for the same quality.

lower translation rates

What to do if you have to pay rates in Euros?

We have looked into the matter and our opinion is that the rates are too high compared to the US. Some are even charging in Euros and if you look around, you’ll see that even those prices are too high. Even if you’re looking for certified translation services in the UK, you will see that the prices for certified translation are also higher. Looks like we’re the only ones in London that charge only 20 per page.

Are the rates in the UK similar to Rates in entire Europe?

No, but truth be told, translation rates are not exactly uniform all across Europe in the first place. Germany is infamous for asking for higher rates than other countries. Rates in Italy are much less and so they are in Spain. The translation industry is still finding its feet in the global age and they do not have any problem coming up with new and arbitrary pricing. Truth is, you are better off following the North American Rates system when paying for UK certified translation services.

Where do I get lower rates?

DutchTrans gets your point. Translators have a tendency to charge higher translation rates per word in UK and that makes the clients reluctant in acquiring the services. But we will still say that doing more and more jobs as a bottom line translator will keep in the trenches until the end of time. You will probably find us to be some of the cheapest just because we know that there is no point in charging outrageous prices since the clients aren’t willing to pay.

What is the solution?

There is none other than either working with us, or try to find a low-priced freelancer online. Searching online is a far better way of finding lower prices and you may end up finding some. And when you do, you first need to make sure that you are getting what you are looking for: quality, accuracy, fast delivery and all that at a low price.

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Why is US better on prices?

We think that the US rates for translation are lower because of the competition. There are far more translation agencies in the US than in the UK, and they are aggressive when it comes to marketing, and what incentive could be better than low rates?

We are a Dutch translation agency that has an office in the UK and as such, it is normal for us to ask lower rates. Despite that, we never compromise on quality, and we do our best to provide top of the line services at those low rates.

Do not over-obsess about the translation rates per word in UK. We all know they are way high and there is no point in arguing that. Always choose DutchTrans when it comes to translation and rest assured that you get high quality services at fair rates.

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